The evacuation definition and its importance in HSE Field
Evacuation and its definitions:
The evacuation definition:
It is the transfer of persons or property from the danger area or the area exposed to danger "near danger or potential danger" to safe places, which is the gathering point or the shelter areas.
Definition of rally point
It is the place where people who are removed from the facility or building gather
Rally point specification
A safe and unobstructed place
- To be far from the facility equal to the length of the facility in some places
Provides safe lanes to reach an exit from them by the relevant and supportive authorities (police - long-term defense - Red Crescent Authority)
The absence of a roof or an upper barrier such as umbrellas or roofs of buildings, and therefore for air surveillance and air rescue, as well as the possibility of collapsing the roof
Types of evacuation:
• Partial evacuation:
It is the evacuation of a small area or place from an entire facility, and the assembly point within the facility does not require a complete mass transfer of the facility. For example:-moving several people from one cell to another due to riots or so on.
• Total evacuation:
is the complete evacuation of people from the facility and the creation of gathering areas outside the place, such as "completely evacuating the detention prison" or completely evacuating the center building.
Total Evacuation Qualifiers:
A- In terms of when it occurs:
1) Preventive evacuation: Evacuation is done as soon as the signs of danger or their proximity are identified.
2) Evacuation after the occurrence of the danger: a sudden danger such as "leakage of chemical materials or an explosion" occurs during an injury to the area.
B - in terms of the necessity to do:
1. Optional evacuation: which is carried out by residents on their own accord without issuing an order or fleeing from a source of danger.
2. Forced Evacuation: The evacuation of residents and wealth is compulsory by issuing an order from the authorities, and the use of force if necessary.
C- In terms of spatial scale:
1) Limited total evacuation: This is the one that takes place within the same city to another area.
2) Medium total evacuation: It is one who completely evacuates a city to another city or emirates.
3) A complete total evacuation: that takes place in an entire emirate, whereby they are transferred to another emirate or outside the country, or an entire country is evacuated.
In terms of time range:
1. Short evacuation: hours and days not exceeding (6) days.
2. Long evacuations: weeks, months, and years.
3. Permanent evacuation: preparation in cases of wars Palestine or strong incidents Japan
Evacuation order:
The evacuation order is issued by the facility leaders, and it is also issued by the political leadership in the country. The issued evacuation order must include the following:
1. The reason for the eviction.
2. Evacuation classification.
3. Time and date.
4. Categories of people.
5. The place to be evacuated.
6. The location of the gathering point.
7. The permitted amount of personal belongings.
8. How to obtain additional information.
9. Mobilize teams and get to work.
Evacuation priorities:
1. Children and the elderly.
2. The disabled and the sick.
3. Healthy people.
4. Personal property.
5. Important and valuable possessions.
Requirements for the implementation of the plan:
- Preparing a complete contingency plan, including the facility evacuation plan.
- Coordination cooperation.
- Establish a schedule for implementing the plan
- Coordination records
* Definition of individual evacuation:
It is the evacuation carried out by one person from or near the place of danger to reach a safe place,
• Evacuation methods for people
A collective evacuation, which is carried out by transferring people in full groups after the establishment of the evacuation plan by the facility and the distribution of tasks and duties to the members of the establishment
The positives of mass evacuation
1. Distribution of tasks and duties
2. There are many aids
3. And safety for the presence of several people around you
Individual evacuation
It is the person’s move to evacuate himself from a certain place if the people do not join the collective evacuation or there is no evacuation plan in the place
Individual evacuation instructions:
1) Remember the nearest exit that can be reached. People must know where they are and how to reach the nearest exit. It is easier in the usual places "homework", but when you are in other semi-closed places, you must inspect the place to determine the closest possible exit.
2) Observing and following the instructional instructions: so that the instructions placed in the place, for example, "emergency stairs - exit" are followed.
3) Walking and crawling on the hands and knees: This is when there is smoke in the place, where a large percentage of smoke is at the top of it at the bottom and the presence of semi-pure air with oxygen at the bottom and also to avoid the heat at the top.
4) Walking next to the wall if possible, as walking next to the wall in closed places in rooms always leads to the presence of a door or window, which is easy to reach instead of guesswork.
5) Feel the door before opening it. If the door is very hot, this means that there is a fire behind the door, and the exit is not safe.
6) Blocking the openings at the bottom of the door or the air-condition when it turns out that the corridor is full of smoke, as a wet piece is placed under the door opening to prevent smoke from escaping into the room.
8) Finding alternative exits. For example, the window can be used as an exit instead of the door. If the building is on the ground floor on the second floor and higher, then a piece of cloth is used to guide and request the assistant.
9) Go to the nearest gathering point, where your arrival will be reported and the health status of people there will be explained.
Downsides of single evacuation:
1) Not knowing the way out
2) Hesitation and extreme fear
3) It took a long time to reach safety
4) Lack of protective equipment
5) Exposure to injuries and suffocation
6) Lack of clear vision sometimes "dense smoke - dark power outages"
* The advantages of individual evacuation:
- Exit very quickly in the event of knowing the location and training for it.
This may be the only positive in this A.
For a type of evacuation as it is a difficult type of evacuation, especially for the person in charge of the work, and the person must be fully aware of the place if possible, but everyone tries to get out of the place of danger to a safe place.
Preventive measures for facility personnel
1. Training on and knowledge of the emergency plan
2. Know the emergency doors and exits
3. Each person must know the number of (2) extinguishing places in the facility and know the use of the fire extinguisher
4. Implement office security procedures
5. Operating the alarm system in the event of a fire
6. Do not try to extinguish a large fire and try to extinguish small fires. In the event of lack of control, withdraw and inform the responsible
7. Close all office doors after evacuating people to contain fire and smoke inside the room
8. Clarifying the type of danger if it was a fire (the color of smoke - and the principle of fire - or suspicious things) or what benefits the competent authorities
Team formation
• Team formation, names, and explanation:
• Forming teams facilitate work in the evacuation process in general and in particular as well, where the difference is applied in very large facilities such as "shopping centers or hotels" and also in small places such as the home by distributing tasks in a small way, for example, "distributing the leadership team to the father and the evacuation team to the mother." As well as the ambulance squad, the rescue squad for the son, and the group gathering on the girl, "The names may be big on family members, but the tasks are one to work fully and cooperatively.
• The teams can be distinguished by the sign of an explanatory mark on the personal identification card carried by the person or behind it, or a dress symbolizing the type of the band, or even instructing people in the evacuation squad
• The teams can also be replaced by other teams if there are no individuals trained for the work of the team and also for the team to make another team if the first team finishes the work assigned to it
• Team members are made up of people trained in the work of the division, provided that the number of the band’s members is not less than 5% of the number of the entire establishment’s members. The rule may be excluded in special cases or in certain teams.
• The work of the temporary teams until the arrival of the concerned authorities and work in the interest of reducing the time and saving a lot and helping to reduce work on the competent authorities
• Team formation, brief explanation, and teams can be updated and added to the teams or other work
• Training of personnel lies in the work of several teams to increase the number of personnel in the division, for example, the fire brigade personnel assist the evacuation team in the absence of a fire
• Announcing the presence of danger and starting the work of the teams through loudspeakers through the symbols that are predetermined by the facility in crowded places with people such as commercial centers by calling the code red (code red) to indicate the presence of fire or the black code (code black) for the presence of suspicious things To avoid spreading terror, until teams are formed and do their work
• All teams must inform the leadership team of the work that they do and the progress of their work and follow up with the leadership team for the work, and the teams quickly transfer the procedures, for example (the fire brigade is currently fighting the fire and the fire is under control - or the fire spreads quickly to the neighboring shops) (The evacuation team Evacuate all persons)
• Teams gathering places are determined on the attached building map after each explanation of the band and how the members are present and moving. Other maps can be combined with one map that shows the previous one. The teams ’work can be determined by color or numbering.
These teams are not of priority and can be dispensed with and replaced by coordinating and preparing a plan based on the distribution of tasks among leaders and officials. Example "Amana evacuation plan for Iron Contracting"
Members are prepared to work in an orderly manner in the band, train them and determine their places according to priority and from the training stages, the members' locations are shown appropriately to start the work of the band
1. The Command Squad.
2. Band communication.
3. Fire brigades.
4. The rescue squad.
5. Evacuation squad.
6. Security squad.
7. The Transportation Team.
8. Media and Public Relations Team.
9. The Statistics and Enumeration Division.
10. Gathering area band.
11.The inspection team.
12 ambulance squad.
13. Band delivery and completion.
14. Training squad
The location and method of movement of the teams must be clarified on the maps of the facility, and the direction of movement of the group while performing the work and the important places must be clarified, provided that each team is shown on its map.
Team Leadership:
It is the group that supervises all the work of other teams and directs them to carry out their tasks, and it is considered one of the very important teams due to its leadership of the whole situation and carrying out it and assigning the teams to carry out the tasks fully
Task Force:
1- Issuing instructions and orders for the rest of the teams and fully controlling the situation.
2- Study the situation and develop a complete plan to overcome it.
3. Handing over the accident to the concerned authorities.
4- Providing the concerned authorities with the information and what is required of it to the concerned authorities.
5- Fully aware of the whereabouts of the other band and the tasks it is currently performing.
And from what was previously mentioned from the teams, it is noticed that the tasks were distributed according to the names of the group and what it aims at in the name in a way that relatively clarifies its work and the role it plays, and it is also possible to combine two teams to carry out the tasks, for example, the fire brigade and the ambulance and the media and statistics team. But the distribution of responsibilities in this way leads to performing the tasks faster and more thoroughly, and the teams can also be merged after the completion of the work entrusted to them if it does not conflict with the priorities of the main team, for example, the security team can be assigned to the work of the completion and delivery team after the work of the first team has done its work.
• The components of the leadership team are as follows in the order
The table below shows what can be done optimally and in the components of the example only: Table No. (1)
No. The named name of the band The original name The number or the name of the call Personal phone number Notes
Muhammad Ali Division Leader Director of Administration 1 050 /
Clarification in the table that there must be members of other teams in the command team for communication and explanation to the squad leader to fully absorb information and assess the situation.
Task Force:
1) Issuing instructions and orders to the rest of the teams and fully controlling the situation
2) Study the situation and develop a complete plan to overcome it
3) Handing over the accident to the designated authorities
4) Fully aware of the location of the other group and the tasks it is currently performing
• Summary :
- From what has been explained, the leadership team can dispense with the members of other teams and be satisfied with contacting them. The obstacle to reaching the communication team is due to the presence of effective and effective communication devices in the place.
- This group is the front and permanent engine of other teams, and after completing the tasks, it finally evaluates the process from its negatives and positives and works to avoid mistakes "if any" again.
Determine the location of the band to the site of the accident or the facility, so that it is in a safe place and has access to the entire facility if possible, and the place must be known to the rest of the teams.
Contact Band
Its mission is to deliver orders and tasks from the command division to other teams, as well as to transfer information and follow-up.
The teams must follow up and investigate the level of communication, and everything that the band was equipped with equipment and devices that carried out its work in the fastest time and the connection equipment was in operation.
Band components:
1. The characters as shown in the table of the driver. Table No. (2)
No. The named name of the band The original name The number or name of the call Contact Notes
1 Communication Team Leader, Director of Public Relations 4
2 band squad deputy director of human resources 5
Accountant member 3
1. The authorities' numbers and the numbers of people who are contacted in the event of an accident or a complete evacuation of the city or region.
Q. Contact agency Fax Name of contact person Notes
1 Police 999 Presenter 050
2 Civil Defense 997 050
3 Gas Emergency Mohamed Khaled 050 In the event of the end of the official working hours, Mr. Mohamed will be contacted
3. A list of the numbers of the other teams' callers and the names of the calls.
• Materials to be available for the band:
1- Wired and wireless communication devices.
2. The whole location map.
3- Numbers of the concerned parties and persons.
4- Team distribution list and their tasks.
Where the band is located:
Be near the commanding division if possible or in a suitable place to communicate and receive orders from other teams.
Task Force:
1- Distribution and numbering of communication devices.
2- Transferring information as quickly as possible if necessary.
3. Knowing the locations of the remaining teams.
4. Recording and recording the movements of the teams.
*Summary :
It also contacts the concerned authorities, support agencies, or professional and wanted persons in the event of an emergency.
You import important information from other parties.
Fire brigade:
As indicated by the name, this group performs fire extinguishing operations as the fire is one of the reasons for the total evacuation of the place because of its influential consequences, including smoke, as it is the group that extinguishes the fire if possible, especially if it is trained and ready to carry out its tasks.
Materials to be available:
1. A map of the entire building.
2. Protective clothing.
3. Manual fire extinguishers.
4. Communication devices.
Where the band is located:
It should be specified to take action and work to combat the fire and limit the danger.
Task Force:
Put out the flames and control them.
Band components:
The squad's crew and leader as shown in Table (1)
Summary :
This group may be a reserve in the event of a fire, but in the absence of this kind of danger, it can make another group or support it.
Rescue Squad:
The tasks of this brigade are more than the tasks of the fire brigade, as the rescue consists of transporting people or things from a place of danger to a safe place, and the definition may be close to evacuation, but rescue depends on the transportation of people, whether they are injured or unable to move on their own.
It can be defined: it is helping people to be freed from a source or place of danger, using preventive and technical methods from injury or death.
Materials to be available:
1. Map of the building.
2. Communication devices.
3. Tools for transporting or lifting a wheelchair with ropes.
4. Knowledge and training in transportation and some first aid, which is a good advantage in this band.
Where the band is located:
The fire brigade was in a specific location near the entrance to the building and close to the gathering areas.
Task Force:
Transferring people who are unable to move from inside the building to the gathering and aid areas.
Saving the important things of the building, such as the important papers safe or what is assigned to it for rescue.
Band components:
The band crew as shown in Table (1)
Summary :
A group that has importance in the evacuation operations, where a large number of people want to leave a certain place, which results in a stampede and injuries, including the inability to move or faint in the light of the stampede.
Also, the band must accompany some other teams, such as the fire brigade, if there are people in need of rescue because they inhale a large amount of smoke that causes them to faint.
Evacuation Squad:
It is an influential group for the public and the masses to find out the exits and reach the gathering points without going through the sources of danger.
It should be a distinguished group, even in terms of the type of clothing and the ways of moving, so it can do its work once and twice.
Materials to be provided with the band:
5. Map of the building.
6. Communication devices.
7. Informational signs or clothing to identify the band members.
• Place
Band Presence:
The group gathers inside the building to be evacuated, and it is the group that has been distributed since the beginning of the evacuation process. It does not need a place designated for gathering or starting the tasks. The place of assembly takes time until the band moves.
People are evacuated from the location of the band member to the nearby exits
Task Force:
Guiding people to emergency exits and gathering points.
Band components:
The squad's crew is as shown in Table 1
Summary :
The squad staff must guide a large number of people to the emergency exits, in the best way, utilizing alarms (microphones) or any source to deliver information.
Security squad:
A vital team carries out the security of important places in the building, for example, jewelry stores, the conductor’s office, for what entails the passage of many people at the same time.
Materials to be available:
1. Map of the building.
2. The location of important and valuable things.
3. Communication devices.
Where the band is located:
The band is assembled in the places of things in coordination with the members of the squad.
Task Force:
Protecting places from being stolen or taking anything from it and working to protect them.
Band components:
There may not be any particular tools other than the use of weapons if they are authorized for use by Schedule 1 crew
Summary :
The band works perfectly and does not be complacent, and the band members can be the owners of important places, for example, the accountant is made of the owners of the band and work to protect the money or stand until all people are evacuated from the place and also people can help other people by going to the nearest emergency exit to remove suspicion from Squad members guarding a certain thing
Transportation Team:
From the name of the group, it becomes clear what is where the group carries out the process of transporting people to other places using transport, such as cars and buses, to other places far from the building or to any other area of the shelter.
Materials to be available:
1. A map of the place of residence or gathering point.
2. Means of transportation, cars, buses.
Where the band is located:
Next to the assembly point or points.
Task Force:
Transferring people to the shelters or unified gathering areas, or transporting valuables to another place. They can be used by moving the band to places where it can be gathered.
Band components:
The group cannot have components other than the aforementioned.
Squad crew as shown for Table 1
Summary :
A secondary division may be of no use in most evacuations, but it can be used if needed.
Media and Public Relations Team:
One of the important difference, where the failure to communicate correct information to the various media points results in the emergence of false information and rumors from some people who are not familiar with the current situation, so the team notifies the media about what happened to avoid these rumors, and on the other hand it is an advertisement for the building indirectly for what the people do. Very curious to see the damaged location.
Materials to be available:
1. Communication devices.
2. Map of the building with the names.
3. Statistics and figures (losses, God forbid), if any, and the victims.
Where the band is located:
They gather near the command team to take statements, as well as the proximity of the command team to the sides, so this team conducts public relations.
Task Force:
Make statements and contact the relevant authorities through public relations.
Band components:
The band crew is as shown in Table 1
Summary :
An important team despite the explanation of the reasons and also it is of the first degree by receiving the total number of injured people (if any). Explaining the situation to the media, provided that other specializations such as the work of the competent authorities are not clarified (or for example the causes of fire)
Statistics Task Force:
It is a group that counts the number of injured people and people in the assembly area, as well as calculates the times of evacuation and rescue and the work of collecting other teams, as well as calculating the time and number of the concerned authorities. The number of missing and injured persons and reporting to the command team is the number
Materials to be available:
1. Hours for calculating time.
2. Information panels to guide people on where to report missing persons.
3. A map showing where the other teams gathered.
Where the band is located:
It is the group in which one of its members is with the other teams, and the site of the original group is moved to give information as soon as possible.
Task Force:
1. Counting the people and the injured.
2. Calculating the arrival time of the concerned authorities.
Band components:
The band crew is as shown in Table 1
Summary :
It is an important team and can be dispensed with by appointing a member of the other teams in the counting process, for example, the timing and rescue of one of the rescue team members.
Gathering area band:
This group is based on the complete supervision of the gathering area so that it carries out the coordination and arrangement of people and also distributes the location of the support group, such as the ambulance, and the latter can be joined to the band and do together.
Materials to be available:
1. A chart showing the location of assembly points.
2. Guidance boards for the gathering place.
Where the band is located:
Be a place to be in places of safe gathering.
Task Force:
Full supervision.
Providing raw materials such as (water - juices), in coordination with the concerned authorities.
Carrying out parachutes if the matter is committed, in coordination with the concerned authorities.
Distribute people and designate areas such as the injured (the elderly).
Jot down the names of the people if possible.
Band components:
Squad Crew Schedule 1
Summary :
A band of great importance as it does what was mentioned above and the team can use members of the band to do psychological support, after training or seeking
It is one of the supporting bodies, the "Red Crescent Authority", the starting point
Inspection Squad:
It is the group that conducts inspections after completing the evacuation process and giving the order by the authorities concerned with the matter to return to the building. Here, the team conducts an inspection of the building to make sure of things from it.
Materials to be available:
1) Building map
2) Tools and people to fix alarms (specialists)
Where the band is located:
This squad can be anywhere and start its work after completing the evacuation and giving permission to enter the building.
Task Force:
1) Ensure that the danger has passed
2) Make sure to restore the power supply
3) Maintenance of alarms
4) Ensure that the effects and remnants of the hazard are gone
Band components:
The crew according to Table No. (1)
Summary :
After taking permission for the work of the squad, it also searches vital areas and notices any dangerous work that may affect the safety of people upon their return, and to ensure the safety of the building in the event of danger such as "cracking of the building", the command team is informed to use the emergency plan.
Ambulance Squad:
From the name of the group, it provides relief to the injured people, and it is an important group as it does not do its work at the time of evacuation and at all times, even when someone is injured at the time of work, and in the event of an evacuation, the band performs its work until the arrival of the concerned authorities and can complete its work with the help
Materials to be available:
1) A map showing the locations of assembly points
2) Bags and first aid kits
3) Means of transportation (wheelchair - stretchers)
4) Persons trained in first aid
5) Field hospital tools (if applicable)
Where the band is located:
The band is located in places and points of assembly
Task Force:
1) Rescue injured persons
2) Sorting out casualties
3) Transporting the injured
4) Cooperate with the concerned and support authorities
Band components:
Trained staff according to schedule (1
Summary :
It is very important even to deal with people who are not working in the building, for example (auditors - shoppers - agents), so the team carries out the process of rescuing people to take care and spread reassurance among people, such as the presence of an ambulance team that carries out the aid of a wounded child during a game in a hotel during his stay with his family
Delivery and Completion Band:
A team performs the process of handing over the building to the command team and reports that the work of the teams has ended, the evacuation time is set, the negatives and positives of evacuation, and the division of the work of other teams. The team can be combined with the statistics and inventory team or the inspection team.
Materials to be available:
1) The entire building map.
2) Splitting tools.
Where the band is located:
Out of a place of danger.
Task Force:
What was previously mentioned with the explanation?
Band niches:
The band's crew according to schedule (1 - 2)
Summary :
A team that is not important and can be assigned some tasks according to the decision-maker's vision, provided that we enter the work of other teams or conflict with them.
Training squad:
It is the team that provides training for all the other teams' staff, and it is a permanent group concerned with refining the capabilities and work of the team members through courses and lectures.
The mock operations project can also be assigned to do the tasks.
It can also add a number of its trained persons to stand as a precaution for a person on a squad crew in cases of its trainers to stand as a precaution for a person on a squad crew in cases of injury or non-attendance.
Materials to be available:
1. The building map.
2. Explanation materials.
3. Number of trainers.
4. Precautions for supplying other teams.
Band components:
Trained staff according to Schedule 1.
Summary :
This team has permanent work in the building, and one of the other teams or members of the other teams can be assigned to carry out the tasks of the group in normal cases and it does not have much importance in cases of evacuation.
Evacuation instructions in schools
• The teacher - the teacher is the guide to the gathering point
• Students are transferred by the method of queuing in one line if possible or two lines for speed of movement
• Scouts - Girl guides are used if they are found and trained to lead students or take first aid and assistance courses at the gathering point.
• The school's administrative staff is responsible for drawing up a complete evacuation plan and training staff and students
• The administrative staff work as individuals for the previously explained teams
• The assembly point is very important and its specifications must be taken
• Carrying out periodic inspections of protective and safety equipment in cooperation with the Civil Defense
• Several administrative staff must be trained on fire fighting operations
• Direct contact with the school district and report the situation
• Work to conduct annual or semi-annual training operations on evacuation or dummy operations
Establish the evacuation path
1. People must move in rows in organized facilities (schools - institutes - universities).
2. Evacuation paths are in fair lanes and removing obstacles if any
3. All exits must be used without exception unless there is a source of danger impeding the exit from it
4. The evacuation route is changed according to the type and location of the danger
5. Never evacuate to the source of the danger
Explanation of the evacuation plan on the illustration
Team members are arranged on the drawing, either by numbers or in colors, and the path to assembly points is also determined and more than one diagram is drawn up for the diversity of sources of danger or places of danger.
As shown in the attached drawing, the evacuation path has been determined, in addition to the officials in charge of the area in the inspection and also in the gathering area.
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